Bid Optimizer

Our Google Ads bidding tool is based on the proprietary AI technology, ORA AI, co-developed by data scientists and researchers from a leading American Ivy League university.

You can use the tool yourself (in which case you will appreciate its easy-to-use, intuitive interface), or you can let us run it for you as a service (then you will be able to view online the bidding choices of the Bid Optimizer). The process of getting the Bid Optimizer to work for you is straightforward.

Linking Bid Optimizer to your Google Ads account.

Following a simple procedure, you let Bid Optimizer obtain access to your campaign’s account. You fill out a simple questionnaire. After signing a mutual NDA, Bid Optimizer obtains access to your account and takes over the task of bidding. Optimization of your campaign has begun.

Optimize your bottom line and analyze factors influencing it.

The Bid Optimizer’s sole purpose is to get the most out of hotel ad spend and obtain the highest return on investment (revenues from conversions minus ad expense).

The Bid Optimizer focuses on and optimizes profits alone – not CPA (cost per acquisition), conversions, or other measures. Detailed reports and analytics enable you to pinpoint how various variables influence your bottom line.

Quickly reach optimal bid values.

Google Ads optimized with the Bid Optimizer is a no-risk proposition. You control your budget, daily spend limits and conversion targets. For starters you can select A/B testing mode. If you use the tool yourself, you can override the bids suggested by the Bid Optimizer. In an environment of sufficient number of conversions, your bids reach optimal levels (i.e., levels maximizing your profits) within the first month.